Encouragement, Case Studies and Favorite Things

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Elizabeth Mae Elizabeth Mae

Sunshine Fennel Slaw

As we’re creeping into fall and getting closer to citrus season and further away from that summer abundance, I like to start adding in different (and inexpensive) ways to keep my veggie intake high. Feeding myself a real meal at lunch can also be a little tricky when I’ve got two preschoolers to feed, too.

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Wellness, Nutrition Elizabeth Mae Wellness, Nutrition Elizabeth Mae

Let’s talk about sleep, Momma!

Listen up, ladies - did you know that we tip the scales on suffering more with insomnia than men? Stress (sleepless kiddos, anyone?) and traumatic events can trigger an acute case of insomnia, while longer struggles with difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep can be stem from some medications, substance use, hormone imbalance or medical conditions.

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Children, Food, Nutrition, Wellness Elizabeth Mae Children, Food, Nutrition, Wellness Elizabeth Mae

How making dietary changes with kids can be easy (and fun!)

“Hey, hey, Mae: I struggle with getting my kids to even try new foods, so they're stuck on their favorites and those contain loads of what we may need to try an elimination for. How can I make this work for our family?” Implementing food changes can be easy...until our feelings and our kids’ opinions get involved, right?

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