It’s time to heal!
First step, Clarity Call. Next step, curated healing package.
2 Paths for Healing
All-Access Concierge Care Packages
All-access concierge care packages that include a care term and specific tests, matched with specific conditions (get right to work!)
Intake Kickoff with Report of Findings and Recommendations
Full report of findings, supplement, lifestyle, diet, and lifestyle change recommendations. Tests and reviews can be added to this kickoff assessment.
Package Concierge Care
Path 1
Custom Care Term
Specialty Testing
Resource Library
Bio-Individual Protocols
Path 1, Concierge Care
Total Healing
For those with Complex Symptoms, looking for Total Healing
12 Months of Unlimited Support (1) 90 Minute Initial Kickoff Call
(7) 60 Minute Initial Test Review Calls
12 Total Months of Coaching Calls
(7) Tests
Chronic Infections Full Pathogen panel
Total Toxins Panel for mold, heavy metals, chemical toxins
Blood Micronutrient Testing
Salivary Adrenal Test
Organic Acids Urine Test
Complete Blood Panel Including full blood sugar, lipids, thyroid, CBC, Vitamin D and more
12 Months of unlimited, concierge care (most meet biweekly for 30-60 minutes after the initial phase)
4 Week Kickoff Video Course to help you implement changes immediately
Path 1, Concierge Care
24/7 Messaging with your practitioner, answered in 24 business hours or less
Access to our resource & video library:
(Beginning Detox & Drainage Kit, Love Your Guts Digestion Course, 4 Week Rewind and Reset Course, Recorded Meditations, Somatic Exercises…more added all the time!
Access to functional testing at our cost
Full protocol recommendations: nourishing diet, mineral balance, appropriate hydration, fatty acid balance and inflammation management, blood sugar regulation, restorative sleep, stress relief, lifestyle factors, supplements, testing, movement
Skin Condition & Gastrointestinal Healing
Path 1, Concierge Care
For those with Persistent Skin, Eczema and Digestive Distress
4 Months of Unlimited Support (1) 90 Minute Kickoff Call
(2) 60 Minute Initial Test Review Calls
4 Total Months of Coaching Calls
(2) Tests
Organic Acids Urine Test
4 Week Kickoff Video Course to help you implement changes immediately
4 Months of unlimited, concierge care (most meet biweekly for 30-60 minutes after the initial phase)
Full protocol recommendations: nourishing diet, mineral balance, appropriate hydration, fatty acid balance and inflammation management, blood sugar regulation, restorative sleep, stress relief, lifestyle factors, supplements, testing, movement
24/7 Messaging with your practitioner, answered in 24 business hours or less
Access to our resource & video library:
(Beginning Drainage Support, Love Your Guts Digestion Course, 4 Week Rewind and Reset Course, Recorded Meditations, Somatic Exercises…more added all the time!
Access to functional testing at our cost
24/7 Messaging with your practitioner, answered in 24 business hours or less
Gut-Brain Healing
Path 1, Concierge Care
For those with Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, OCD and more
4 Months of Unlimited Support (1) 90 Minute Kickoff Call
(2) 60 Minute Initial Test Review Calls
(1) 30 Minute Initial Test Review Calls
4 Total Months of Coaching Calls
(3) Tests
Organic Acids Urine Test
Blood Micronutrient Testing
4 Week Kickoff Video Course to help you implement changes immediately
4 Months of unlimited, concierge care (most meet biweekly for 30-60 minutes after the initial phase)
Full protocol recommendations: nourishing diet, mineral balance, appropriate hydration, fatty acid balance and inflammation management, blood sugar regulation, restorative sleep, stress relief, lifestyle factors, supplements, testing, movement
24/7 Messaging with your practitioner, answered in 24 business hours or less
Access to functional testing at our costs
Access to our resource & video library:
(Beginning Drainage and adrenal support, Love Your Guts Digestion Course, 4 Week Rewind and Reset Course, Recorded Meditations, Somatic Exercises…more added all the time!
PANS & PANS Healing
For Children with Chronic Infections and/or PANDAS and PANS
4 Months of Unlimited Support (1) 90 Minute Initial Kickoff Call
(1) 60 Minute Initial Test Review Call. (1) 30 Minute Initial Test Review Call
4 Total Months of Coaching Calls
(2) Tests
Chronic Infections Full Pathogen panel
4 Months of unlimited, concierge care (most meet biweekly for 30-60 minutes after the initial phase)
4 Week Kickoff Video Course to help you implement changes immediately
Full protocol recommendations: nourishing diet, mineral balance, appropriate hydration, fatty acid balance and inflammation management, blood sugar regulation, restorative sleep, stress relief, lifestyle factors, supplements, testing, movement
24/7 Messaging with your practitioner, answered in 24 business hours or less
Access to our resource & video library:
(Beginning Detox & Drainage Kit, Love Your Guts Digestion Course, 4 Week Rewind and Reset Course, Recorded Meditations, Somatic Exercises…more added all the time!
Access to functional testing at our cost
Path 1, Concierge Care
Chronic Infections Healing
For those with Chronic Infections or Complex and Continual Symptoms
7 Months of Unlimited Support (1) 90 Minute Initial Kickoff Call
(4) 60 Minute Initial Test Review Calls
7 Total Months of Coaching Calls
(4) Tests
Chronic Infections Full Pathogens Panel
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
Micronutrient Testing HTMAComplete Blood Panel Including full blood sugar, lipids, thyroid, CBC, Vitamin D and more
7 Months of unlimited, concierge care (most meet biweekly for 30-60 minutes after the initial phase)
4 Week Kickoff Video Course to help you implement changes immediately
Access to our resource & video library:
(Beginning Detox & Drainage Kit, Love Your Guts Digestion Course, 4 Week Rewind and Reset Course, Recorded Meditations, Somatic Exercises…more added all the time!
Access to functional testing at our cost
Full protocol recommendations: nourishing diet, mineral balance, appropriate hydration, fatty acid balance and inflammation management, blood sugar regulation, restorative sleep, stress relief, lifestyle factors, supplements, testing, movement
Intake Kickoff
Path 2
Access to Specialty Functional Testing
Personalized Nutrition & Supplement Plan
Bio-Individual Recommendations
Intake Kickoff & Report of Findings
Path 2, Intake Kickoff
For those who want to start slower
(1) 90 Minute Kickoff Call
(1) 30 Minute Report of Findings Call
Initial Intake Process including full symptom analysis, comprehensive health history evaluation, food journal review, review of any add-on tests & Welcome Kit
Access to functional testing at our costs and a la carte concierge check-in calls.
Personalized nutrition plan including foods, supplements, lifestyle, habits with recommendations for care term and further testing
Need more care or a new healing season?
For those who have completed an intake or package with Hey Hey MAE at any point, you can hop back into monthly concierge care.
Monthly All-Access Concierge Care
Unlimited Concierge care (most meet biweekly for 30-60 minutes after the initial phase)
24/7 Messaging with your practitioner, answered in 24 business hours or less
Access to our resource & video library:
(Love Your Guts Digestion Course, 4 Week Rewind and Reset Course, Recorded Meditations, Somatic Exercises…more added all the time!)
Access to functional testing at our costs
3 Months $1500
4 Months $2000
6 Months $3000

Frequently Asked Questions
We ask why, and why again until we’ve found the original cause of disfunction
Instead of treating or diagnosing disease, we take a whole systems approach to improving your health. For example, you have on going stomach pain and alternating diarrhea. We know that it’s not just the Gastrointestinal system involved, but the immune system through healthy gut bacteria, the thyroid as it maintains your bowel speed, there may be infections of the GI Tract or poor nervous system communication from the brain or even nutrient deficiencies preventing healthy digestive secretions.
With each client, our team uses your data provided from testing, a thorough health history, symptom surveys and a short study of your food and mood habits. This data is paired with our knowledge of the complete body’s workings and functions. For each client, we work through dialing in a nourishing diet, mineral balance, appropriate hydration, fatty acid balance, blood sugar regulation, restorative sleep, optimal digestion, effective stress relief and healthy movement. We then consider drainage, immune modulation, mitochondrial health, parasites, heavy metals, mold and fungus, immune imbalance and chronic pathogens.
Whether each client needs walked through protocols to support these is bio-individual, specific and continually reevaluated by your practitioner during care. That means you’re not using supplements forever, protocols continually change and you see progress toward healing.
Our team members share a mix of medical, functional and health backgrounds. The foundational functional training we all share is Restorative Wellness Solutions: Gastrointestinal Healing, Optimizing Hormones, Nutritional Blood Chemistry, Autoimmune Factors, Brain Development and Injury, Optimizing Brain health, Deep detoxification and Mold Illness, Genetics and polymorphisms.
Part of our team has the Nutritional Therapy Association’s Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner certification, including a physical, functional exam. Other trainings we have completed include: Certified Lyme Specialist, Chronic Infections, Bio-Individual Nutrition, Functional Blood Chemistry, Pediatric Intensive, Nourishing Hope Nutrition for Autism and ADHD, Autoimmunity, HTMA Testing and Mineral Balancing, Organic Acids Testing, Toxicity and Toxic Load, Wahl’s Protocol for Multiple Sclerosis, Autoimmune Paleo Diet (AIP), Polyvagal Theory, Disordered Eating, Trauma and Children’s Nutrition and development. In addition, several of our practitioners have various medical designations including Pharmacist, Registered Nurse, Labor and Delivery Nursing.
We work together on every client case, refining our proven process with the great benefit of a team hive mind.
Our mission is to compassionately navigate your healing season, removing the root cause and restoring health through whole foods, the latest therapies and traditional wisdom, effectively restoring health. We will make foundational specific recommendations as early as your first session on nourishing diet, mineral balance, appropriate hydration, fatty acid balance, blood sugar regulation, restorative sleep, optimal digestion, effective stress relief and healthy movement.
Supplemental protocols are build to be for a season, for a reason - never extending on complicated protocols for years. Multi-vitamin and mineral complexes, herbs, supplements, homeopathics, digestive aids, topical creams, bio-identical hormones are specifically combined for each client to create our proven results. For our younger clients, supplement protocols lean heavy on yummy chewable and liquid drops or tinctures. Adult clients, too, who prefer chewable or liquids or have specific needs find it our individual protocols meet their needs and preferences.
We believe that clear is kind: each supplement or recommendation will be explained and specific, measurable to-dos will be assigned at the end of each session. We minimize confusion of your protocol, health and wellness information, using bio individuality as our guide.
While several of our providers have traditional medical designations, we do not prescribe medications. We can and do work with and to support your current medical goals, prescriptions and are trained on potential interactions. We often rely heavily our practitioner who is also a Pharmacist to educate and support those with multiple prescriptions.
We don’t! We work with all members of your family, men, too! 1 in 2 children in America suffer with a chronic illness including eczema, asthma, juvenile arthritis and diabetes. Time and time again, children prove to be the most ready-to-heal of all! We love working against this statistic and have further training in pediatrics, including Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD/ADD, Autoimmune disease, FPIES, Lyme and more.
Yes! We have worked successfully with many who have suffered from mold exposure. We often find this to be an immune trigger that has allowed other chronic infections to flare, surface or persist. Our extensive mold training allows us to support and direct you through Mycotoxin testing for your body as well as guide you through testing your home, surveying your environment, selecting mold remediation and more. We include drainage, detox, anti-fungal, limbic system retraining and many more supports in our comprehensive plan. You’ll experience this process step-by-step in a simple format.
When it comes to healing health challenges: the sky’s the limit. There isn’t a body that won’t benefit from the work we do to assess and support increasing health. Clients have had success navigating and improving: Eczema, Digestive Distress, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Grave’s Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Anxiety, Depression, Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia, Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), IBS and IBD, Celiac Disease, Recurrent Streptococcal infections, Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders, Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism, Leaky Gut or Intestinal Permeability, Multiple Sclerosis, Recurrent Epstein-Barr Virus or Mononucleosis, Lupus, Heartburn and Acid Reflux, Fibromyalgia, Juvenile Arthritis, High blood pressure, Lyme disease, Autism Spectrum Disorder, PANS, PANDAS, hormonal challenges, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), painful PMS, painful periods, Sensory Processing Disorder, Ulcerative Colitis, Mold Illness, Crohn’s Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, MTHFR genetic mutations, Severe Acne, Parkinson’s Disease, Fertility Issues…
Because our approach takes a whole-body perspective and continually improves your health status, finding healing for many layers of your health challenges is our promise.
We love to work with the most information available and can help advise you on what's helpful and what's not needed. While we will review these labs to help us understand your health story, and use the information when preparing protocols, we will not necessarily review them in detail. To have them reviewed in a session, you may purchase additional calls. Please ask your practitioner.
We see clients globally and in all parts of the United States. Testing availability varies for international clients by location, but some clients will find care useful and effective without testing. All tests are sent via mail or ordered through Labcorp and can be completed from the comfort of home or a draw center.
We accept HSA/FSA funds, credit, debit, cash and check. Hey Hey MAE does offer financing to a select number of clients, through payment plans. You may also be eligible to make use of Paypal Credit's 6 months with no interest agreement when monthly payments and full payoff in 6 months are completed. Please let us know if you’d like your invoice via PayPal.
We know what you're talking about! I (Elizabeth) learned early in my health journey that a functional test is only as good as its reviewer. Our proven process and miles of happy clients are our proof of success. We spend the time, we comb through research, we update testing methods, we work tirelessly to get to the true root of your illness.
When it comes to resolving your complex health challenge, we are training in and employ a variety of methods including nutraceuticals, varied traditional and functional testing, biofeedback, homeopathics, supplementation, diet change and more.
Illness isn't built in a day or by one factor and your support needs to match that! Your health story is important to us and informs how your body got to where it is and how we’ll restore it back to health.
All testing will be explained thoroughly to you, line by line, time made for questions and messaging always open for any more support you desire. We're here for you, we believe clear is kind and we are constantly seeking out more and newer education to get the job done, well!
We’ve also been there: experience is our best teacher, and we have each had lengthy health journeys that resolved when we were able to put our specific training and methods to work on our own health. We’ll guide you with empathetic compassion from a place of experience.
Eczema is one of the most common conditions we support here at Hey Hey Mae. Parent's call us in distress, rightfully so, because their children are suffering from itchy and painful eczema. That is where we started with Client “C”.