What is Functional Health?
We’ve all got them - those symptoms that we can’t seem to get rid of or correlate to a clear diagnosis. Those symptoms that often get a ‘try this medication’’ at the doctor’s office. Your bloodwork that comes back with ‘you’re fine’, and a side of ‘it might be all in your head?’ Maybe you did get a diagnosis, but no direction for how to care for yourself or improve.
Our medical system isn’t built for support. Your doctor is there to diagnose and treat. The ER is great when you get in a car accident or break your arm. Take me there. But your doctor is only as good as the 15-minute appointment they have and the testing your insurance permits.
Functional health is here to help you heal and find hope past the confusion.
Our team has been there. When I found functional medicine, I found a direction for my healing. I worked closely with a practitioner and was able to connect to my innate wisdom. I began to learn about my body and my practitioner was educated in the interplay of all systems - not just my digestion - which was actually impacter by my thyroid, liver, brain and immune systems. Functional health considers the sum of all the body parts and works to piece you back together with a whole body, optimal function perspective.
It was the work I did one-on-one with a practitioner who was dedicated to resolving all parts of my chronic illness that brought me back to how I felt before I got sick. We’re going to move the needle on your health and allow you to live a full life, free from physical limitations!
Common Conditions & Topics We Solve
Digestive Distress
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Grave’s Disease
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia
Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Celiac Disease
Recurrent Streptococcal infections
Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders
Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism
Leaky Gut or Intestinal Permeability
Multiple Sclerosis
Recurrent Epstein-Barr Virus or Mononucleosis
Heartburn and Acid Reflux
Chronic Infections
Juvenile Arthritis
High blood pressure
Lyme disease
Autism Spectrum Disorder
hormonal challenges
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Painful PMS & periods
Sensory Processing Disorder
Ulcerative Colitis
Mold Illness
Crohn’s Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
MTHFR genetic mutations
Severe Acne
Parkinson’s Disease
Fertility Issues
Why search for the root cause?
Quite simply: uprooting the base of your problem, will solve it. Anything less is symptom management. Our medical system was designed to diagnose, treat and send you home. It wasn’t designed to view the body as a whole. When you go to the doctor you need a PCP to allow you to visit an endocrinologist, a Gynecologist, a Psychiatrist and a Gastroenterologist to solve your thyroid issues. They each have limited testing, time and don’t work together.
Our root-cause approach is specialized in finding the root or start of your chronic illness. We consider your body as a whole being and address all parts: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. We look through the lens of function, aim to restore optimal cooperation in your body and leave no stone unturned. It’s not just the thyroid problem we solve: we look at your liver function, stress levels, hormones, digestive tract, nutrient sufficiency, immune function and brain communication because all of these systems are connected to create a healthy thyroid.
Our team is thorough and considers you a whole. We work backwards through your symptoms and health history to reveal where dysfunction begins, then we resolve it, systematically.
Is your immune system the root of your health issues?
After our world faced a global pandemic, we were granted more insight into the wonders of our complex immune system and what healthy immunity looks like. The more we work with clients to solve their health challenges, the more disfunction revealed deepest roots in the immune system.
If your body can’t decide what is your body (self) and what is non-self, your immune system isn’t functioning optimally. Many of our clients come to us after their health “fell apart” or “everything changed and I got more and more sick with more diagnosis.” In these cases, the immune system is to blame.
Whether it was pregnancy, an acute sickness, major stress or trauma, antibiotics, immunizations or other immune triggering event, we have found the immune system ends ideal function and can no longer control infections otherwise kept under control. This is where chronic symptoms start.
Over time, this will escalate inflammation in the body and brain, increased pain, rapid overall decline, a flurry of symptoms, Autoimmune Disease and a lack of answers at the doctor’s office. Our approach gets clients lasting results that return them to their health before it all fell apart by accurately identifying immune imbalance, using pathogen specific immune therapy, effectively retraining the immune system to work for you and not against you.
Ready to Heal ?
All care starts with a clarity call! In this short 15-minute interview, I want to hear your symptoms and goals and I want you to ask what you need to be sure that this work is for you. My plan is to both answer any questions you have about nutritional therapy and identify which healing pathway best matches your needs and goals.
Packages are focused and effective total healing program. Ideal for the person who wants to get to the root of their thyroid, cardiovascular, diabetes, eczema, digestive, autoimmune, mystery illness, mold illness and chronic health struggles using our proven process.
Healing is work and depending on your health, it can be difficult to navigate miles of information possibly applicable to your specific health picture. The education our team has developed helps you “do” the tasks we’ll set before you. We equip you with short guides that give trusted information, tips, tricks and shopping lists. We have a store full of trusted, quality supplements and a team able to make recommendations.
Healing is Possible
Read for yourself how our 1:1 clients are feeling
“When I began the process, I was "sick and tired of being sick and tired.' Dave Ramsey says that's when you're ready for a change. I had dealt with years of digestive dysfunction as a result of stress, anxiety, sickness, and international travel gone wrong. I had visited multiple doctors, a chiropractor, and journeyed through different diets in an attempt to find healing for my belly. When I found Elizabeth's website, I felt connected to her because I had experienced so many of the same things, from digestive dysfunction to autoimmune issues. With a lot of hard work, discipline, tears, and cooking, Elizabeth coached me in finding a path forward that allowed my belly time to heal and grow stronger.
Throughout my months-long journey, my belly functioned at top notch. I was able to stop my anxiety/depression medication. I wasn't running to the bathroom after a meal. I wasn't in pain throughout the day. I was working hard and reaping the benefits. Now, as I add some foods back in, I'm continuing to learn and grow and listen to my body. My body feels strong. I'm so thankful I now have the tools I need to move forward in health and healing. I know how to take care of myself now, and I know how to protect my body from certain issues. There is hope for anyone going through long-term illness!” - H
“Majority of my childhood, adolescence, and adulthood has consisted of SO much unhealed trauma. It was purely survival. My day to day and year to year was consumed with mental health roadblocks, tanked immunity, poor nutrition (hello TV dinners & hamburger helper), gallbladder removal at 13, and gut distress that left me desperate for answers. There wasn't a convenient store in a 50 mile radius that hadn't had a run in with ol me. In what felt like my most traumatic season and freshly newlywed my body tanked on me. I had alarms sounding for years but I couldn't decipher and ignored them when test results were "normal". Two months of laying around lifeless and miserable eventually led to a stool testing of cdiff. But as traditional medicine would have it, an antibiotic script was slapped in my hand and was sent on my way. Weeks of dragging my lifeless self to daily duties, gray complexion and infrequent bathroom visits I was far from cured. I asked my physician to retest me for cdiff, I saught out answers when nobody else would.
Then came a God send. Before finishing my clarity call with Elizabeth I felt an immediate sense of hope, I knew I was onto something. We basically started triage followed by GI mapping and MRT testing. We completely revamped my diet, implemented new lifestyle habits, and pushed supplementation. Each week I started to get a token of humanity back. Family and peers started to notice the shift all while not understanding this season I was in.. Events and outings were accompanied by hurdles and pivoting. I started to refer to myself as the new me. Initial treatment was followed up by bloodwork and a hefty pagogen protocol when the bad guys were still putting up a fight. This version of healing is not a quick fix but for once I felt confident we were targeting the root causes. I came off hormonal birth control and antidepressants that had been served to me in my adolescence and gained an energy level I was never acclimated with. My journey is far from over as we transition into pampering these horomones and adrenals of mine. I look forward to meeting the new me 9 months from now. I'm a firm believer that working with a nutritional therapy practioner saved me and everyone deserves a win like that. I would invest in this healing 2x over. It gave me a sense of hope and relief that I had longed for, physically & mentally.” - M
“My oldest son is 14 and on the Autism spectrum. He wasn't diagnosed until 1st grade, so the struggles have been long and many. When we had to pull him out of public school because his symptoms were so bad I knew it was time to get Elizabeth's help. He was struggling with irritability, acne, headaches, asthma and allergies, poor sleep, constipation and more. I had been trying for years to piece together what I had learned but our pediatrician wouldn't order labs and didn't recognize the gut-mind connection so I was tired and frustrated. I felt like I had tried everything and he was more miserable than ever.
Elizabeth was so patient and kind, started with testing and then gave is a clear path forward. She was never judgemental, only supportive. The protocols she created for him were a lot of work but worth every bit of it because my son is now happy and all of his symptoms have drastically improved, every one of them! He is doing so well that he's going back to on-campus school in the fall because we know that he is ready to be around his peers again. We are so incredibly grateful for Elizabeth's help. She has changed our whole family by helping our son. She is by far the best investment we have made in our helth and happiness. I only wish we had found her sooner!” -T