Meet Our Team
We provide strategic support for you on your health journey.
Our team’s multiple years of combined knowledge in pharmacy, functional medicine, nutrition and more, provide you with the support you need and assurance that you’re in good hands.
Elizabeth Mae
Master RWP, FNTP
Elizabeth is an experienced Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. Her functional wellness practice, Hey Hey MAE, serves primarily children, women and their families with everything from gut-brain disorders to common ailments like diabetes and high blood pressure to complex and mysterious chronic health challenges.
For 15+ years, Elizabeth photographed high-end weddings, portraits and coached women in business. After her own Autoimmune health crisis, sparked by trauma and burnout, Elizabeth found healing through whole-food nutrition, simple lab testing and lifestyle change. In that season, she began envisioning a practice where people could come to a warm environment to receive the sort of 1:1 care she had lightly experienced and learn the motivating “why” behind the systems that contribute to and propel both sickness and wellness.
To help others, she returned to school to learn the science behind healing her chronic illness, autoimmune disease and thyroid problems. Elizabeth has further training in pediatrics, ADHD, mold illness, eczema, allergies, autoimmune and more; she now helps others gain control over common health issues and complex health mysteries.
Believing nutritional therapy can bring some level of healing to all, her cookbook, Hey Hey Everyday was released in 2022. This can-do cookbook is designed to educate health-seekers on a simpler journey back to health. The cookbook features over 125 gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free recipes, easy enough for weeknight dinners and impressive enough for a potluck. In addition to her cookbook and 1:1 client care, Elizabeth has developed functional health DIY kits using her proven methods, to support healing common ailments, without the need for 1:1 care.
A cheery Mom of two young boys, Elizabeth enjoys gardening, reading, animals of all sorts and sitting sidelines cheering on her two favorite athletes. Elizabeth and her boys share their home with 5 chickens, a hive of bees and the office dog, Mollie: a Westie who makes frequent appearances on client calls.
Abby Hall
RPh, Master RWP
Abby has served as a clinical pharmacist for 20 years with a large focus on infectious disease and autoimmunity. As a clinical pharmacist, she noticed patients returning time and time again, often in worse condition. These patients were very sick and in true need of medical intervention, but the support the body needed nutritionally alongside the rebuilding of the gut was a huge missing piece to their healing puzzle. Abby sought to learn all she could in order to make a difference and started right away changing the way she counseled patients. She is a Master Restorative Wellness Practitioner, completing all 4 courses through Restorative Wellness Solutions, focusing on gastrointestinal healing, hormone health, blood chemistry, autoimmune, and mold illness.
Through her studies, Abby also recognized the healing that her own body needed. She had experienced significant trauma in her life and stress had taken its toll. Abby was able to be her own client and utilize powerful testing to help guide her own healing process. She was not satisfied with fatigue, brain fog, and extreme stress being her new normal and doesn’t want anyone else to suffer in this way, either. She believes deeply that the body was not only made to heal but it wants to heal. Walking through her own healing and resolving past traumas and stress makes Abby an asset to our care team.
Her personal experience with trauma and love for children combine into the perfect mix of strengths need when caring for Hey Hey families. Abby also has a heart and passion for children and much of her spare time gets poured into children in foster care. She founded and runs a non-profit that provides these children with clothes and essentials. In her free time, Abby and her husband are certified foster parents and enjoy doing respite care and supporting other foster families.
Through her non-profit’s efforts, Abby noticed an avenue to marry her foster care community with functional health. Knowing the power of functional nutrition, Abby wanted to bridge her skills with their need, to help foster children heal through the most natural and healthy means. She currently serves foster children and their families by providing guidance on nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, and trauma healing, making a huge healing difference in their lives and development
Abby enjoys spending time with her husband and two sons on their beautiful five acre property. They are embracing growing their own food through gardening, raising laying hens and pasture raised chicken.

Krista Pereira
Functional Nutritionist, RWP3
Krista is a Functional Nutritionist and Restorative Wellness Practitioner. She enjoys supporting individuals of all ages to find resolution to their health concerns and to feel their best. She utilizes a root cause approach which focuses on clearing the terrain, a nutrient dense diet and resolving underlying infections.
Krista’s journey into nutrition began as a young girl as she watched her grandmother, who had suffered a severe brain aneurysm in her late 40s, heal herself by implementing whole and nutrient dense foods, herbs, and daily meditation. She taught Krista the healing power of these foods as well as how to look for hidden chemicals, food colorings and potential toxins and encouraged her to choose “clean” skin care products and cleaning products. While her thinking was certainly before her time and may have driven the rest of the family crazy, Krista was fascinated by these teachings as well as the body's inherent ability to heal itself and was often found nose-deep in books on herbalism and nutrition.
However, upon graduating high school and leaving home, Krista began to skip meals and crave sweets! Caramel latte’s and Pizza Hut became her new favorites. Consequently, she began to experience severe and debilitating panic attacks that left her in bed and unable to attend her classes. She quickly began to make changes to her diet and immediately upon removing these foods, Krista was surprised and impressed that the panic attacks instantly resolved.
This experience taught her once again, the undeniable importance of what we eat and how severely food additives, preservatives and blood sugar imbalance can affect the brain and the way that we feel. Wanting to learn more and eventually help others who might be trapped in a diagnosis of depression or anxiety based disorders, she decided to pursue a B.A. degree in Transpersonal Psychology. She then went on to study Biochemical Nutrition where she began to support individuals suffering from addiction and mental health disorders.
Unfortunately, in her mid-20’s, Krista started to become very ill. She was a single mom to her son and undergoing extreme amounts of stress. She could barely walk up a hill without fainting and was constantly sick. After fighting to get answers and seeing countless practitioners, she was diagnosed with chronic EBV, severe histamine imbalance, and Dysautonomia. As she searched to get to the bottom of her health issues and resolve the chronic infections to restore her energy, she began studying and consulting with a wide variety of practitioners including, functional medicine practitioners, naturopaths, and clinical nutritionists. This led her into further training and certifications in functional nutrition, women’s hormone health, addressing stealth infections, gut healing, mold/mycotoxin associated illnesses and autoimmunity. Through the use of a nutrient dense diet and herbs, she was able to clear the EBV and resolve many of the symptoms associated with the Dysautonomia.
However, after the birth of Krista’s second child, she received a diagnosis of Graves disease as well as her 1 year old daughter began to show signs and symptoms of MCAS, along with PANS. An OAT Test and Strep Antibody Testing and a Mycotoxin Test revealed significant mycotoxin exposure and evidence of chronic infections. This led her to continue deepening her knowledge and mentoring with many of your nation's top Functional Medicine Professionals, with an emphasis on mold/mycotoxin illness, chronic infections and HPA axis dysfunction. Krista’s daughter soon became her best teacher and through implementation of all that she had learned over the years, many of the symptoms that her daughter was experiencing such as eczema, tics and speech issues were resolved. Krista was also able to address her Autoimmune Thyroiditis without medication.
Today, Krista’s work involves over 15 years of devotion and exploration in supporting those with complex and chronic health conditions.
She thoroughly enjoys working with adults and children of all ages and has a big soft spot for those dealing with MCAS and histamine imbalances as well as specializes in working with those struggling with thyroid disorders, mycotoxin associated illnesses, leaky gut, mental health and gut-brain axis disorders. With the use of therapeutic nutrition, functional lab testing and gentle detoxification, she is able to facilitate deep and lasting healing.
Desi Hampton
Desi has served as a nurse, delivering babies and caring for their mothers, for 10 years. After her graduation from the University of Iowa in 2013, she worked nights in labor and delivery and began to indulge her life-long secret interest in massage therapy by attending massage therapy school full time. This was the start of her “insatiable desire for knowledge in holistic health.” She’s done deep dives across whole-person wellness on topics like acupuncture, reiki, myofascial release, essentials oils, trigger point therapy, fertility, and more.
Her personal experience in functional healing has centered on her struggle with years of painful periods after she ended a 7 year relationship with birth control. Ovarian cysts were at the root of her monthly experience with extreme period struggles: fainting, whole body sweats, vomiting, diarrhea. After visiting her PCP and multiple OBGYN’s she practiced with, she was told to return to birth control, but felt innately, that the body is meant to heal itself and speaks to us through symptoms. After working with a functional health practitioner and making changes to the health foundations of diet and lifestyle, she’s no longer dreading her period or having to block her calendar to deal with its consequences.
Personally, over the last 10 years of bedside labor and delivery nursing, Desi accidentally fell in love with a friend, moved a few times chasing his flight career and even found herself sitting next to Elizabeth in the Tampa Class of the NTA’s FNTP program. In 2021, Desi married her pilot bestie in Asheville, NC, where she served the most beautiful beet salad to her wedding guests at a small farm.
Currently, Desi transitioned into PRN nursing, delivering less babies each week, but still present in local hospital Labor and Delivery so that she could be more present to her own baby, Leo. Born March 2022 to Desi and her husband, Tyler, the Hamptons are enjoying the 4 seasons of Indiana and living closer to their midwest families. During her maternity leave, Desi pursued RWS’s art and science of gastrointestinal healing course and joined the Hey Hey MAE team in 2023.
Mixing nursing and her holistic interests and experience, Desi holds a love and appreciation for what Western medicine can do, but firmly believes in using a least invasive approach when it comes to health. She regularly says if she’s in a car accident or has a broken bone, PLEASE take her to the hospital but if she’s looking for information on how to keep a body healthy, she’ll be searching outside of the western medical modal. As a working mother, she has mental and emotional energy like she didn’t have before and credits this change completely to diet and lifestyle. She’s found that performing at 100% is the only way to have the mental, physically, emotional energy to take complete autonomy of your life and where it’s headed.
Rachel Penick
Practice Manager
Rachel manages all facets of Hey Hey MAE’s signature client care. Coming to us with more than 7 years experience managing a local salon, she oversees all client onboarding, logistics, supplements and shipping as well as our courses, Mae Day Kits and office management. Her warmth, efficiency and attention to detail leave our clients in good hands.
Rachel’s familiarity with functional health began in high school, when she began exploring her thyroid health from a functional perspective. Her health journey has evolved to include guiding both herself and family through gut and histamine challenges.
She graduated from Campbellsville University in 2014 with a psychology degree and a minor in athletic training. Her insights into the process of creating individual change and the experience of a client allows us to design the Hey Hey client experience with your ease, comfort and achievement as the focus.
A loving wife to her husband Wes, Rachel enjoys traveling, good food, long walks in the park and spoiling her niece over long family visits. Wes and Rachel share their days with Margaux and Chandler, the family’s felines.