Mystery health symptoms heal by targeting the root cause, not patching each symptom.

Stories of Healing Chronic Illness

I’m your host, ELIZABETH MAE, and my functional health practice helps people heal when they’ve exhausted traditional options. When no one can figure your health challenges out, my team helps you resolve symptoms and restores your health. You’re listening to my podcast where we’ll hear Stories of healing chronic illness from a root cause approach.  

Food is

Every human is made to flourish.

Supplements are for a time.

Any body can heal when strategically supported.

Stories of healing chronic illness with a root cause approach!

Would you rather watch us chat?

Full length versions of each episode are loaded into our YouTube channel. Sometimes kiddos pop in for calls, but always, you’ll enjoy an honest, raw take on what healing looked like, where the client began and where the process has taken them!

Listen in for hopeful stories of client healing and teaching that will lead you to your root cause.

How Our 1:1 Clients Feel

  • “Before we started working together, I suffered with EXTREME fatigue, IR, WLR, Chronic infections on repeat: (ear, sinus, UTI’s, bronchitis), EXTREME joint pain, rashes, itching, migraines, brain fog, forgetfulness, inflammation. Since beginning my protocol that include immunetherpay, I haven’t been on antibiotics in one year minus a recent surgery - standard since they were cutting into bone & surgery was necessary. The other symptoms are still bothersome but I know an end is in sight. (Post protocol) Migraines reduced 70%, rashes gone. Itching better. Brain fog & forgetfulness improving. Inflammation is still high but I think that’s due to protocol." -W

  • “I’d tell anyone considering booking a call with Hey Hey MAE’s team to DO IT. I tell everyone to book a call with them! Get to the root cause rather than continuing to use a lifetime of bandaids.” - Lori “Financially, this work was 100% HUGE strain for me financially as a single Mom & teacher but so is missing out on LIFE & being DX’d with all kinds of things + RX’s which are band aids that often lead to more DX’s & RX’s.” -A

  • “I started with Elizabeth with 22 different symptoms. I had already gone to two different OB Doctors, two different dermatologists, two different regular Drs. They all wanted to treat the symptoms NOT the cause. Elizabeth went straight helping me find the cause… I am down to only two symptoms and working on healing those!!! I find myself in control more of my health and educating everyday to better my health!!” -J

  • “My son was struggling with chronic constipation and irritability that was associated. We worked on dealing removed trigger foods and gut healing. He’s able to go to the restroom regularly for the first time in his entire life.” - B

Why search for the root cause?

Quite simply: uprooting the base of your problem, will solve it.  Anything less is symptom management.  Our medical system was designed to diagnose, treat and send you home.  It wasn’t designed to view the body as a whole.  When you go to the doctor you need a PCP to allow you to visit an endocrinologist, a Gynecologist and a Gastroenterologist to solve your thyroid issues.  They each have limited testing, time and don’t work together.  

Our root-cause approach is specialized in finding the root or start of your chronic illness.  We consider your body as a whole being and address all parts: physical, mental, emotional, spritual.  We look through the lens of function, aim to restore optimal cooperation in your body and leave no stone unturned.  It’s not just the thyroid problem we solve: we look at your liver function, stress levels, hormones, digestive tract, nutrient sufficiency, immune function and brain communication because all of these systems are connected to create a healthy thyroid.  

Our team is thorough and considers you a whole.  We work backwards through your symptoms and health history to reveal where dysfunction begins, then we resolve it, systematically.

Find your root cause and get unstuck!

Take our 5-minute Root Cause Quiz to help you identify the LEADING root cause of your symptoms.