Normal detoxification is how we heal

Detoxification is a parasympathetic process, meaning that it occurs when we are in a rest and digest state. Detoxification is super important because it clears vital cellular activities and organs to function efficiently. Our bodies heal and repair themselves naturally through this internal cleansing process. 

There are many different systems involved in detoxification including: the cardiovascular system, lymph system, digestive system, urinary system, skin and respiratory system. 

Cardiovascular system: The blood links every single organ in the body and flows through every tissue. Its job is to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all of our cells. The blood also carries metabolic debris away from cells and cleanses detoxification sites like the liver. Blood is extremely sensitive to toxins and acts as a highway for the immune system. Once contaminated and toxic, the blood shuttles and deposits said toxins throughout the body in tissues and organs. 

Lymphatic system: Lymph is an interstitial fluid that flows through lymph nodes throughout the body. Lymph nodes are sites where bacteria, viruses, and organic material are filtered out. This system acts as a filter for the liver to prevent it from becoming clogged, sluggish, and overloaded. The lymphatic system, unlike the cardiovascular system, does not have a pump (the heart) to drive circulation. Movement of lymph is stimulated by the skeletal muscles, movement of the lungs, and contraction of smooth muscle fibers. AKA movement/exercise is critical to the function of the lymph system.

Digestive system: The intestines, liver, and gallbladder are the primary digestive organs involved in detoxification. The intestines act as a physical barrier to foreign molecules and chemicals. The beneficial bacteria in the intestines also assists in detoxification. The mucosal membrane of the intestines must be intact, an abundance of beneficial bacteria present, and adequate stomach acid levels are needed for the intestines to aid in detoxification properly. The liver performs two phases of detoxification that break down and filter toxins from the blood to be eliminated. The toxins pass to the gallbladder in the bile and are eventually eliminated in the feces. 

Urinary system: The kidneys filter the blood of cellular waste such as water and bile. Toxins that are not excreted through feces, are eliminated through urine. 

Skin: The sweat glands of the skin are another avenue for elimination. Sweat is a very effective way to rid the body of toxins. 

Respiratory system: The lungs eliminate many waste products, such as carbon dioxide. 

Today, toxins are everywhere and our bodies are overloaded with stress. We are exposed to toxins through radiation, air and water pollution, cellular and metabolic wastes, chemicals, stress, poorly digested foods, bacterial/parasite/fungal overgrowths, and heavy metal exposure just to name some. Toxins are any substance that creates irritating or harmful effects in the body. 

We can address the foundations of health to aide in detoxification and ensure our pathways of elimination are open.

Diet: Processed food is lifeless and seen as a toxin by the body. Eating too much can impair detoxification because the body is using too much energy to digest food and doesn’t have enough time to detox properly. Making sure we eat enough and balanced ratios of both macro and micronutrients can help the body detox. 

Digestion: Poor digestion can clog detoxification pathways. Amino acids (protein) are needed specifically to support the liver. Consuming poor quality fats clogs the lymph, impairs bile function, and therefore has an affect on the liver. 

Blood sugar regulation: Blood sugar imbalances elevate cortisol levels that stress the liver. B vitamins are also depleted when cortisol is high and they are needed for liver detoxification enzymes. High blood sugar can create an excess of free radicals, which deplete nutrient stores needed for detoxification. 

Fats: Toxins that are difficult to eliminate are stored in fat tissue. When we consume healthy dietary fats, cellular waste is easily removed and bile is flowing properly allowing the liver to metabolize fats. Poor quality fats can compromise our cellular structure and therefore function.

Minerals and hydration: Minerals help to buffer acidic by-products of detoxification and keep toxins from collecting in fat tissue. Stress depletes minerals, especially magnesium, that are necessary cofactors for the liver detoxification phases. Staying properly hydrated helps to keep urine flushing and bowels moving for elimination. Sweat and respiration also require adequate hydration. 

There are many different techniques used in detoxification including: fasting, saunas, use of herbs, water, rest, meditation, enemas, and exercise. Bio-individuality should be taken into consideration. For more in-depth detox protocols, I recommend working with a practitioner who can guide you through the process! 

If you are looking to reset and enter the holiday season feeling your best, then I have just the program for you!

My purification program is a structured plan for purifying, nourishing, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This program is designed to help the overburdened body rid itself of toxins, manage weight, and clear unwanted symptoms. Included is access to a private Facebook group for daily check-ins and support, a supplement package, and access to two NTPs. For more details and to register click here!


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